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SKU Product Name Price
CSF CALSoft Software

The CALSoft™ software was designed by TechniCAL specifically for Process Authorities in the retorted canned foods industry.


The standard CALPlex unit is a portable and light-weight datalogger designed to withstand harsh plant environments.


Rotary CALPlex is a datalogger designed for installation directly on the back of a rotary retort INSTEAD OF the traditional thermocouple slipring.

HP Wires HP-WIRE Heat Penetration Lead Wires

Heat Penetration (HP) lead wires are used to connect a thermocoupled container to the CALPlex Datalogger

TD Wires TD-WIRE Temperature Distribution / Free Lead Wires

Temperature Distribution (TD) lead wires (also referred to as "Free Leads") are used to measure the temperature of the retort heating medium OUTSIDE the product-filled containers.

CNS Needle Thermocouple

(#CNS) Ecklund Needle Thermocouples are specially designed for conducting heat penetration tests of foods in cans, jars, and plastic packages.

$85.50 / each
C4 Flexible Thermocouple

(#C4) Ecklund Flexible Thermocouples are specially designed for conducting heat penetration tests.

$73.75 / each
PCH-TC Pouch Thermocouple

(#PCH-TC) Ecklund Flexible Pouch Thermocouples are specially designed for conducting heat penetration tests of foods in flexible pouches.

$50.90 / each
C5 / C5D / C9 / C9D Thermocouple Receptacles

Receptacles are stainless steel fittings made specific

C5.1 / C5.1D / C5.1M / C5.1ML / C5.2 / C5.2D Pouch Receptacles

Pouch Receptacles are brass fittings made specifically for Ecklund Pouch Thermocouples and

PCH-SPT-REC Pouch Spout Receptacle

(#PCH-SPT-REC) The Pouch Spout Receptacle is a fitting made specifically for a pouch that has a "spout" on the end of it. This receptacle is made out of a solid rod of 0.625" Radel plastic.

$27.50 / each
C17 Thermocouple Gasket

(#C17) Thermocouple Gaskets are made specifically for Ecklund Needle Thermocouples.

$27.75 / bag of 100
C16 / NE-ORING Receptacle Gaskets

There are two different types of receptacle gaskets available for purchase.

C26 / C27 / C5.1OR / PCH-SPT-REC-OR Pouch Receptacle Gaskets

There are four different types of pouch receptacle gaskets available for purchase.

C24FL-2 Retort Packing Gland

(#C24FL-2) A specially designed “flange type” Packing Gland made of aluminum and stainless steel fittings allows for the wires to be installed through the retort shell without loss of steam pressur

$244.50 / each
C24FL-GSK-4 / C24FL-GSK-5 / GSK-MAT Gasket for Retort Packing Gland

High temperature gasket material for use with a Retort Packing Gland.

C12 Can Punch

(#C12) A Lever Type Can Punch is designed to punch a hole in the wall of a can, plastic container, or retortable carton container. It can also punch a whole in the lid of a glass jar.

$485.75 / each
C11 / C11-A Combination Can Punch and Countersink

A Combination Can Punch and Countersink (#C11) is a two-part draw-through tool that is used to manually punch a hole in the bottom of a can.

PCH-PUNCH Pouch Punch

(#PCH-PUNCH) A specially designed Pouch Punch is used to punch a hole in a flexible pouch.

$38.50 / each
C14S Spanner Wrench

(#C14S) A specially designed Spanner Wrench is used to tighten an Ecklund Needle Thermocouple in a re

$26.00 / each
C13 End Wrench

(#C13) A specially designed End Wrench is used to tighten an Ecklund Thermocouple Receptacle&

$18.25 / each
PCH-POST Pouch Post

The Pouch Post is used to position the tip of the flexible Pouch Thermocouple in the center of the

$22.00 / each
ESR-HUB Steritort Hub

(#ESR-HUB) The Steritort Hub is an 18-circuit "hub" that can be installed into an FMC Steritort for conducting heat penetration testing.

$2,432.75 / each
S28 Rotary Contactor

(#S28) The Rotary Contactor is used when heat penetration testing is conducted on cans that rotate on their axis, in an FMC Steritort.

$426.50 / each
S30 Surface Mount Connector

(#S30) When heat penetration testing is conducted on rolling cans in an FMC Steritort, specialized equipment is needed.

$70.50 / each
Connectors with Wire Attached SMLFC Surface Mount Connector with Wire

When heat penetration testing is conducted on rolling cans in an FMC Steritort, specialized equipment is needed.

S34 Surface Mount Connector Protective Cap

(#S34) The Surface Mount Connector Protective Cap is used to cover a Surface Mount Con

$9.50 / each
SARDINE-REC Receptacle for Low Profile Can

(#SARDINE-REC) This is a custom made brass receptacle for installing a Needle Thermocouple into

$35.25 / each
Adapter Wire LOW-PROFILE-WIRE Adapter Wire for Low Profile Can

This is an adapter wire for connecting a Needle Thermocouple, installed into a low-profile (sard

TEF-20 / TEF-22-S Wire (By The Foot)

Wire used for Heat Penetration or Temperature Distribution testing.

C10 / C6 Male Thermocouple Connector

The Male Thermocouple Connector is attached to the end of a Heat Penetration Lead Wire

C7 Female Thermocouple Connector

(#C7) The Female Thermocouple Connector is the counterpart for the Male Thermocouple Connector

$35.25 / each
SUBMIN-M Male Subminiature Connector

(#SUBMIN-M) The Male Subminiature Connector is characterized by a flat blade and is manufactured from Type-T (copper-constantan) thermocouple materials.

$8.00 / each
SUBMIN-F Female Subminiature Connector

(#SUBMIN-F) The Female Subminiature Connector is manufactured from Type-T (copper-constantan) thermocouple materials.

$8.00 / each
C6-I, C7-I, C10-I Thermocouple Connector Insert

This is a component part for the Thermocouple Connectors.
