Female Thermocouple Connector

Female Thermocouple Connector

(#C7) The Female Thermocouple Connector is the counterpart for the Male Thermocouple Connector. The female connector has two female outlets (one copper, one constantan) for a male connector to plug into it, and can be attached to the end of a Heat Penetration Lead Wire or the end of a Pouch Thermocouple. Female thermocouple connectors can accept either locking or non-locking male connectors, and they include an external thread for a male locking connector to screw onto it.

For information on the connector installed on a wire, visit our Heat Penetration Lead Wires page.

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Assembling Your Connector

When you receive your thermocouple connector, it will come unassembled in a bag. For a video and step-by-step walkthrough on how to assemble your connector and install it onto a lead wire, click the image below.

TC Connector Assembly Video