What is Part 11?

21 CFR 11 (referred to as “Part 11”) addresses “records in electronic form that are created, modified, maintained, archived, retrieved, or transmitted, under any records requirements set forth in agency regulations.”. Part 11 requires the system that creates and prints/stores the electronic records must:
- Be “Validated” that they are installed, operating, and functioning as designed
- Limit system access to authorized individuals
- Allow FDA Access to records
- Provide for Electronic Record security & access
- Allow for Change Control and provide Audit Trails of any changes to records
- Electronic records & signatures must meet the same requirements as manually created records
Why Validate Your System?

TechniCAL's Validation Program

TechniCAL’s validation activities include the following three phases:
PHASE I: Development of Specifications
PHASE II: System Qualification & Part 11 Validation
PHASE III: Validation Documentation/Report
TechniCAL’s validation program, on-site activities, and deliverable documentation will comply with FDA regulations 21 CFR 11 regarding the use of electronic records and electronic signatures. TechniCAL uses guidelines established in “NFPA BULLETIN 43-L - Validation Guidelines For Automated Control Of Food Processing Systems Used For The Processing And Packaging Of Preserved Foods”.