Organize Your Documentation

CALBase serves as your on-line FILING CABINET giving you access to all of your thermal process source documentation. CALBase organizes all of your thermal process reports, FDA process filings, temperature distribution reports, retort audits and more. View, print, and/or download PDF copies of these documents using any internet browser and your secure login.
Secure Cloud Based System

CALBase is hosted on our secure server with redundant backup and ssi-security. A company administrator in your organization is assigned who can setup, manage, and remove users. Access to the system is limited to authorized users with a valid user ID and password. TechniCAL maintains the data on the site, uploading new reports as they are developed.
Meet FDA Requirements

FDA and USDA regulations require that thermal process source documentation be kept on file at the production facility and made available to and investigator upon request. CALBase helps to keep this information organized and readily accessible during an FDA/USDA inspection or other audit.
Submit Deviations

Submit your deviations to TechniCAL for evaluation using CALBase. Fill out a form to describe the deviation, choose the product affected, and upload supporting documentation. All through our secure CALBase cloud system (more secure than email). Once submitted, TechniCAL's team is notified via email that a new deviation has been submitted. Once the evaluation report is complete, we upload the PDF to CALBase. This creates an online log of all deviations, accessible to you at any time.