Rotary CALPlex
Rotary CALPlex is a datalogger designed for installation directly on the back of a rotary retort INSTEAD OF the traditional thermocouple slipring. Thermocouple wires (Heat Penetration Wires or Temperature Distribution Wires) connect directly to the Rotary CALPlex. A USB communication cable on Rotary CALPlex allows it to rotate using a special built in USB slipring. Plug the USB cable into your computer with CALSoft installed and collect/view data in real-time. This allows for the thermocouple wires to rotate along with the retort.
NOTE: The Rotary CALPlex is temporarily out of stock. Please contact [email protected] for more information.

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Rotary CALPlex Videos
Rotary CALPlex was designed to collect data in a batch retort operated in the rotary mode. This includes Stock Rotomat, Allpax, FMC/JBT, Surdry, and Steritorts. Rotary CALPlex installs on the back of the retort and rotates during testing. A USB digital slipring is used to seamlessly transmit data to your computer.
Rotary CALplex on an Allpax rotary retort
Rotary CALplex on a STOCK Rotomat rotary retort
Rotary CALPlex on a STOCK PILOT 900 rotary retort
Rotary CALPLex on a STOCK Rotomat rotary retort
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Rotary CALPlex mounts on the rear of the retort. Most retorts allow for the direct mounting of Rotary CALPlex onto the Packing Gland. Some retorts require a bracket or extension to clear any pipes, motors, or valves. This bracket or extension is not included and must be supplied by your maintenance department.
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Real Time Data Collection

The Rotary CALPlex datalogger communicates directly with the CALSoft software using wired thermocouple equipment, enabling the user to see the temperatures and accumulated lethality values in real-time during the test. View the data in CALSoft using optional layouts such as spreadsheet, bar graph, or time/temperature graph.
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32 Channels

CALPlex gives the user the ability to connect 32 thermocouple wires during data collection. CALSoft scans all 32 channels during a test at the pre-determined scan rate and records the data directly to a computer. Wires must be Type-T copper constantan, with sub-miniature connectors, preferably from Ecklund-Harrison.
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Works with CALSoft

Rotary CALPlex requires the CALSoft software in order to communicate and collect data during heat penetration and temperature distribution testing. The CALSoft software was designed specifically for this use by our team of Process Authority experts. CALSoft is the industry leading thermal processing software.
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USB Connectivity

Rotary CALPlex connects directly to your computer's USB port using the attached USB cable. No adapters are required. Communication AND power come from the USB connection. Therefore, no power connection or battery is necessary in the Rotary CALPlex datalogger.