Thermocouples & Receptacles

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Catalog: Thermocouples, Connectors, & Receptacles

Need Help? How to determine the size of a Needle Thermocouple...

SKU Product Name Price
CNS Needle Thermocouple

(#CNS) Ecklund Needle Thermocouples are specially designed for conducting heat penetration tests of foods in cans, jars, and plastic packages.

$85.50 / each
C4 Flexible Thermocouple

(#C4) Ecklund Flexible Thermocouples are specially designed for conducting heat penetration tests.

$80.00 / each
PCH-TC Pouch Thermocouple

(#PCH-TC) Ecklund Flexible Pouch Thermocouples are specially designed for conducting heat penetration tests of foods in flexible pouches.

$59.80 / each
C5 / C5D / C9 / C9D Thermocouple Receptacles

Receptacles are stainless steel fittings made specific

C5.1 / C5.1D / C5.1M / C5.1ML / C5.2 / C5.2D Pouch Receptacles

Pouch Receptacles are brass fittings made specifically for Ecklund Pouch Thermocouples and

PCH-SPT-REC Pouch Spout Receptacle

(#PCH-SPT-REC) The Pouch Spout Receptacle is a fitting made specifically for a pouch that has a "spout" on the end of it. This receptacle is made out of a solid rod of 0.625" Radel plastic.

$27.50 / each
C17 Thermocouple Gasket

(#C17) Thermocouple Gaskets are made specifically for Ecklund Needle Thermocouples.

$27.75 / bag of 100
C16 / NE-ORING Receptacle Gaskets

There are two different types of receptacle gaskets available for purchase.

C26 / C27 / C5.1OR / PCH-SPT-REC-OR Pouch Receptacle Gaskets

There are four different types of pouch receptacle gaskets available for purchase.
