Process Authority Services

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TechniCAL can establish a commercially sterile Thermal Process for your retorted Low Acid Canned Food products. We use heat penetration data (collected by your team or by one of our specialists) to determine the heating rate of your product and calculation methods to determine/validate the process. Calculations are done using either General Method, Ball Formula (using our CALSoft software), or NumeriCAL numerical modeling methods. All work and reports are FDA/USDA compliant.

** Data Collection Equipment for Heat Penetration Testing...

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TechniCAL can validate your retort to ensure it operates properly, delivering the required uniform temperatures to the Low Acid Canned Food product. We use temperature distribution testing (conducted by your team or by one of our specialists) to evaluate the retort's performance during the come-up, cook, and cooling phases. A complete retort audit is also conducted along with all temperature distribution testing. All work and reports generated by TechniCAL are FDA/USDA compliant.

** Data Collection Equipment for Temperature Distribution Testing...

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TechniCAL can evaluate your process deviations to determine if a commercially sterile process was achieved. Process deviations occur when a process time, temperature, or critical factor is not achieved during the thermal process as specified in the scheduled process. All documentation surrounding the deviation event is submitted to TechniCAL for our review. Upon completion of our evaluation, a complete report of our findings is issued. All work and reports generated by TechniCAL are FDA/USDA compliant.

All Deviations are submitted through our CALBase cloud-based system

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Orgnize Your Documentation with CALBase

CALBase is a customized, password protected, on-line database developed for TechniCAL's customers. CALBase serves as your on-line FILING CABINET giving you access to all of your thermal process source documentation. CALBase organizes all of your thermal process reports, FDA process filings, temperature distribution reports, retort audits and more. View, print, and/or download PDF copies of these documents using any internet browser and your secure login.